Columbia Gorge Arts & Culture Alliance is an alliance of museums and galleries promoting the unique cultural attractions and allure of the Columbia River Gorge.

Columbia Gorge Arts and Culture Alliance was established in Fall 2010 to leverage the efforts of arts, culture, and heritage individuals and organizations, organizing them to work together toward a common mission, vision, and focus. Together the alliance:

  • Builds capacity with grants from various local and regional sources
  • Cooperates in advertising campaigns.
  • Coordinates event organizing and scheduling.
  • Provides chambers of commerce with our messaging for marketing the region
  • Developed an umbrella Brand/Logo and tagline that all alliance members use to co-brand.
  • Developed a compelling website and Facebook page.
  • Developed website and multi-fold rack-card tour maps highlighting arts, culture, and heritage venues throughout the Gorge
  • Organized a ‘Big Bang’ promotion: Columbia Gorge Arts & Culture Month, May 2011
  • Helped develop “Hear in the Gorge”, a podcast of stories uniquely focused on the Gorge

“To make arts and culture a magnet to the Columbia Gorge, attracting visitors and residents and benefiting our economy.” Columbia Gorge Arts & Culture Alliance (CGACA) will promote the Columbia Gorge as an arts and culture destination region and ensure they play an active and sustained role in ‘Life in the Gorge’: a magnet that will draw visitors and residents and benefit our economy.

-To make the Columbia Gorge internationally recognized as a premier arts and culture region. Promote it well and it will become a destination location for visitors, artists, and culture makers.
-To highlight, maximize and make the economic benefits and vitality of arts and culture recognized throughout the Columbia Gorge.
-To ensure that arts and culture play an active and sustained part in ‘life in the Gorge’ keeping them attractive, involving and accessible.

Focus – To do this we will:
– Focus on cooperative-planning, advertising, communication and branding
– Fund these efforts through member donations, obtaining grants and other fund-raising efforts.
– Initially undertake key strategies and tasks that are executable wins to build momentum.
– Once accomplished we will focus on further activities and foster new ideas.

Contact Us: Use our online Contact Us form, or